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Nutritious with Dorsa

Hi! My name is Dorsa and I'm a Registered Dietitian living & working in Montreal. My motto is "HEALTHY HABITS that last A LIFETIME." Welcome to my website!


Improve Your Health, Improve Your Life

Over the years, I have established a lifestyle for myself that is a great example of what I strive for in each and every one of my clients.


I believe that food is the foundation of life and that eating is a way for us to take care of our body. Through food and eating, we are able to nourish ourselves, honor our cultural background, and even celebrate with others. It’s for these reasons, and many more, that I started Choosing Nutritious. I hope to help my clients achieve their nutrition & health goals, while at the same time, experience the joyful love of food. Whether you are looking to manage your weight, address a chronic illness, or simply incorporate nutritious foods into your diet, I can help you on this journey. 


How I can help you

Are you tired of weight-cycling?

Do you feel overwhelmed with yoyo dieting?

Are you a busy, on-the-go kind of person?

Do you want to improve your health?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, let's get started!

Through one-on-one virtual nutrition counselling sessions, I am committed to helping you make HEALTHY HABITS that last A LIFETIME!

Why Choosing Nutritious?


Advice given to you by an experienced Registered Dietitian who is a nutrition expert.


Tips and tricks that have been tailored to be suitable to you, your schedule, and your daily routines.

Sustainable Results

Eating habits that effortlessly become a part of your lifestyle and help you achieve long-term health.

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