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Mindful Eating

With so many things going on in our day-to-day lives, we sometimes forget to slow down and be present in the moment, especially when it comes to EATING. Recognizing that, I like to commit to ONE mindful meal per week. Do you think that you can do the same thing?

To ME mindful eating is about:

1. Sitting at a proper table

2. No distractions (no tv, no computer, no phone)

3. Eating with family/friends

4. Taking small bites of the meal, chewing well

5. Focusing on the smell, texture, and the different flavors of the food

6. Listening to body signals and stopping when full

Give this a try! This practice of eating will improve your satisfaction with each meal and will allow you to tune-in and stop eating when your body SIGNALS you to do so!


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